The solution / service

The license key constitutes a complete Palette integration for BC365. The license agreement has been sold by Document People Aps (Supplier) to the customer / user of the purchased license key. The solution / service consists of the program elements offered to the company / customer in question. Likewise, the accompanying documentation and in the form and with the specified specifications contained in the agreement. The solution is based on the creation of one company.

1. Right of use

The supplier gives the buyer the right to use the offered / selected modules during the agreed period. This right of use is not transferable. The right of use ceases if the buyer defaults on his obligations, including payment. The Supplier warrants that the Software Products will not infringe any third-party patent, copyright, or otherproprietary rights. The Buyer shall not and may not allow others to use, copy, modify or otherwise transfer or use the Licensed Object in whole or in part in any other way than that specified in this Agreement. The buyer may thus not – himself or through a third party – decompile or disassemble the program product or any associated accessories. The buyer may nottransfer, create sub-licenses, rent, lend or otherwise let anyone other than the buyer’s companies – either directly or indirectly – for or without consideration – dispose of or otherwise dispose of the license object.

2. Warranty

Provided that the buyer has used the software in a prescribed operating environment and in accordance with regulations in manual and technical documentation, the supplier guarantees that the software product essentially complies with the specifications stated in the documentation as long as the agreement is active. However, the supplier’s guarantee does not imply that the supplier guarantees that the licensed product is completely free of program errors. Buyer agrees that such freedom from software defects cannot be achieved in the software industry.

3. Complaints

Complaints must, to be invoked, be in writing. The supplier’s involvement presupposes that the buyer sends the necessary material at his own expense, so that the discrepancy can be reproduced by the supplier or his representatives.

4. Right to rectify errors

The supplier corrects deviations from the program specifications for the license object, provided that the deviations are significant and are an obstacle to normal use of the license object.

5. Support

Support issues are reported to support@documentpeople.dk, with a detailed explanation and screen dumps. Any inquiry on the support email is considered an “order confirmation regarding. support”. The actual support benefit is paid after the time spent per. started 15 minutes, at the current hourly rate for
Document People supporters, pt. DKK 1,150.

6. Limitation of Liability

The supplier has, in addition to what is stated in pkt. 2 and 4 no further responsibility for the function or quality of the license object. Buyer’s rights in the event of defects are fully described in this Agreement. The supplier is thus not, under any circumstances, liable to provide other compensation to the buyer based on defects in the license object. The supplier is otherwise not liable for damage, either directly or indirectly, which the buyer can claim e.g. in
connection with loss of income, unexpected costs, loss or impact on other data, damage to third parties, etc. If the buyer has violated the rules regarding the license object in violation of this agreement, the supplier is released from all liability.

7. Payment, and payment terms

Payment: An invoice is sent which is paid to the stated account number Payment terms: 8 days.

8. Period of validity of licenses

The license key is valid if there are no consumed clicks on the key and new license clicks can be purchased on an ongoing basis.

9. Transfer

The Supplier is at all times entitled to transfer all or part of its rights under the License Key to a third party.

10. Venue

In the event of a lawsuit, the buyer is obliged to appear in the district court closest to Document People, with a call
and notice as to someone living in the court district.

11. Use of the License

Do not infringe, circumvent, extract, or alter the source code, perform partial or total reverse engineering, decompile, disassemble, or modify in any way any part of the application security device, modify, borrow, sell, distribute, or create works originating in from the application.


All rights, title, and interest in and to the application including, but not limited to, the Service, the graphics, user interface, scripts, software used to implement the application will be Documents People`s or any third-party intellectual property rights

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